Clyde Quay School
Learn more about the unique educational experiences tailored to each class level at Clyde Quay School.
School Curriculum
Clyde Quay School aims to produce creative thinkers who have highly developed skills so that they are:
competent in reading, writing, maths and sciences;
literate in information communication technology;
actively involved in the arts;
enthusiastic about sports;
knowledgeable about and extend their talents; and that they continue to value diversity
We also provide English as a second language, reading recovery, writing and mathematics intervention, as well as enrichment programmes to meet the special needs of some children.
Clyde Quay School is committed to regular assessment to monitor each child’s educational progress. Children are also invited to participate in the Kiwi Competition examinations.
CQS has invested a lot in the technology curriculum morphed into Science Technology Engineering Mathematics to ensure that students are connected, maximising the learning experience. The complexity and opportunities increase as students move through the school.
Parental and whānau input is valued and caregivers are encouraged to visit and help-out. We are all aware that education is for life and that school and home can make a great difference to a child’s success.
The school aims to provide all students with a basic knowledge of te reo Māori. The year 7 and 8 students have learned French since 2003 and Mandarin since 2018. In addition to this, the school provides space for Chinese tutors to offer Chinese classes after school.
Harakeke: Year 0 - 1
Harakeke is made up of Year 1 students who start their school year with us between January and June, and then Year 0 students who start their school year between July and December.
Xandra Boswell teaches in Harakeke for four days per week and Kura Firth works for one day per week.
For our reading programme we teach the University of Canterbury's Better Start Literacy Approach, which is endorsed by the Ministry of Education. We have found it to be highly effective because it uses a combination of structured literacy (phonemic awareness) as well as developing students' comprehension, vocabulary development and retelling skills.
During writing we love to have shared experiences that feed into our programme - our passion is to encourage students to develop their personal voice - what do they think and how do they feel?
For our numeracy programme we use the University of Oxford’s Numicon programme and resources, which we find gives students a fantastic foundation in maths.
Celebrating and learning about our classroom community’s cultural diversity is always a highlight and priority, which we explore through drama, history, art, oral language and storytelling.
We also love science inquiries and are big fans of the ‘House of Science’ kits because they enable all our students to have hands-on experiences. Learning how to carefully notice by using all their senses, helps students become more curious. We then explore their great questions together.
Brain-breaks and fitness is always a fun time involving physical games and dance. Our classroom is incredibly well resourced for imaginative play and developing fine and gross motor skills in a practical and engaging way.
Pōhutukawa: Year 1 - 2
Our Pōhutukawa whānau is made up of Year 1 and 2 students. In our learning space this year we have four experienced teachers in our team: Janessa, Georgina, Mel and Kura. There will be 2 teachers in class throughout the day with the tamariki | children.
Our mornings start with play based learning activities where you will see students working on gross motor skill activities in our outside space as well as having plenty of indoor options to choose from like craft, puzzles, games and reading. This is a wonderful time for students to gently settle into school and reconnect with their peers. Provocations are set up in response to children's interests as well as providing opportunities to explore new activities.
Students move between our two learning spaces and work with both teachers. Teachers plan and teach collaboratively which enables us to draw on our individual strengths to provide an exciting programme for our tamariki.
This year we introduced a new literacy programme called Better Start Literacy Approach. This is a structured approach to literacy for Year 0 to Year 2 students, to support early reading, writing and oral language successes.
Numeracy is explicitly taught and explored through the Numicon programme. Numicon has a cyclical approach where mathematical ideas and concepts are revisited.
This year we have implemented the new History Curriculum and are exploring our local history. We also love the House of Science kits. Throughout the year we explore our CQS Values where we unpack active learning; other people, ourselves and our community.
Karaka: Year 3 - 4
Karaka is a Year 3 and 4 class with our fabulous teachers Anne Gordon, Jayne Ruiter and Cameron Ross.
Our school values are a major focus. We support children developing independence and self management skills. As teachers, we provide the children lots of opportunities to work in a range of ways such as whole class, in groups, pairs or independently to build upon these values.
Karaka is organised into home classes to foster a sense of whanaungatanga (community). We spend the first part of the year exclusively with our home class teachers, developing relationships and getting to know each other so we can provide support and extend students. The home classes are a first point of contact for parents and whānau. When they are ready, students will work across the spaces in Karaka and with any teacher.
As teachers, we plan and teach cooperatively and collaboratively to access the strengths of our team. Between us we have skills and interests in a range of learning areas such as P.E, music, art, drama, dance, te reo Māori and digital technology.
Ngaio: Year 5 - 6
Anya and Joseph are keen to provide an engaging and challenging learning environment for all learners. We teach students strategies to become more active and focused in their learning.
We plan and teach collaboratively to access the strengths of our team, ensuring we provide rich learning experiences for everyone! Your child/children will have learning experiences with both of us each day.
Students and teachers work together to identify next learning steps using assessment and reflections. We run workshops based on learning needs, which allow students to access teacher and peer input. Our workshops are mixed ability; this allows students to learn from each other and to build leadership through explaining their thinking.
Rimu: Year 7- 8
Clyde Quay School aims to hone leadership qualities across the senior school and Year 7 and 8 children are encouraged to take leadership roles and responsibilities.
Children generally head off to Wellington East, Wellington College, Wellington High and a number of private secondary schools. These schools report that CQS students have an excellent reputation for achievement at the secondary level.
Leon and Elyse are our teachers in Rimu. Over the year, students will work collaboratively with a range of other Year 7/8 students. They will learn in both class spaces at different times and will work with both Elyse and Leon at different times.
Students in Rimu are supported to direct their own learning. They identify their learning goals, next steps and how to plan their time to meet these goals. Workshops are offered based on learning needs, allowing students to access the learning they need from a teacher. Students will also have a range of follow up activities to consolidate their new learning.
Over the year, students will be offered leadership and extension activities. They attend Mount Cook Tech where they learn cooking, sewing, robotics, design and woodwork. As well as our maths and literacy programme, our students inquire into the areas of science, ICT, art and history.
Arts, Culture and Sports
Digital Learning
Clyde Quay School supports students to become digitally literate and fluent.
Digital literacy and digital fluency describe students' capability in using digital technologies to achieve desired learning outcomes.
Digital literacy – A digitally literate person knows how to use digital technologies and what to do with them.
Digital fluency – A digitally fluent person can decide when to use specific digital technologies to achieve their desired outcome. They can articulate why the tools they are using will provide their desired outcome.
Devices at Clyde Quay School
Currently we provide a range of devices to support students' learning in the classroom. Our junior rooms have iPads, while the senior classes have Chromebooks. When appropriate, these are shared around to ensure the students have the right tool for the job.
Year 5 and 6 students have begun BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), with Chromebooks being the device required.
A digitally fluent student:
knows where and how to find and access information quickly and accurately
can critique the relevance and accuracy of information being accessed
is an adept producer of digital content
can recognise and use the most effective methods of reaching their intended audience
understands and demonstrates how to use digital technologies responsibly including – digital security (self-protection), copyright
Other Digital Learning Tools
We are continuing to build up our set of resources to enhance and expand digital learning opportunities. We currently have BeeBots for coding in the junior and middle school, Bloxels game development for middle and seniors, and Edison robots and Micro-bits with STEM extension kits for the senior end of the school. These combined with a variety of online and iPad apps provide a wide range of digital learning activities.