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Find the information you need, from enrolling your child, through to stationary, support, health and safety and more.

StationeryTo ensure that students have the correct exercise books, all students need to purchase a class stationery pack from the school. Books have been sourced from our regular stationery supplier at very competitive prices. If your child transfers to Clyde Quay School, the stationery they bring with them from their previous school is perfectly acceptable to begin with. Their class teacher will advise if further books are required.
ClothingThe amount of lost property we accumulate in the year is staggering. If unclaimed, the clothing gets sold or donated to charity. Please ensure your child's clothing is named so it can be returned to the rightful owner. All lost property is stored in the brown box at the back of the staffroom.
Technicraft Lessons - Year 7/8All Year 7 and 8 students attend technology lessons once a week to learn: Food technology Electronics Information Communication Skills using a variety of textiles Technology lessons are held at Mt Cook School and children walk there and back - an easy 15 minute walk. Children must wear suitable footwear to protect their feet because of the tools used during lessons. There are associated costs to cover the use of materials and families are advised of these at the beginning of the year.
PoliciesAll Clyde Quay School policies can be found here. An index of policies is below. Curriculum Curriculum and Student Achievement Education Outside the Classroom Health education/Curriculum consultation Home Learning Improving Educational Outcomes for Maori Learning Support Reading Recovery/Literacy Support Recognition of Cultural Diversity Documentation and Self Review Documentation and Self-Review Reporting to Parents School Planning and Reporting Employer Responsibility Appointment Procedure Appraisal of Staff Appraisal of the Principal Attestation Classroom Release Time/Timetable Complaints EEO Policy Employer Responsibility Performance Management Police Vetting for Non-Techers Protected Disclosure Provisionally Certified Teachers (PCTs) Salary Units/Management Allowances Staff Leave Teacher Certification and Police Vetting Finance and Property Management 10 Year Property Plan (10 YPP) Finance and Property Management Financial Control and Expenditure SUE (Staff Usage and Expenditure) Health, Safety and Welfare Abuse Recognition and Reporting Alcohol, Drugs and Other Harmful Substances Animals in Schools Behaviour Management Child Protection Digital Technology and Cyber Safety Emergency Planning and Procedures Evacuation Procedure/Emergency Kit Harassment Health, Safety and Welfare Medicines, Minor/Moderate Injury or Illness Physical Restraint (click here for FAQ) Risk Management Safety Management System Separated Parents, Day-to-Day Care & Guardianship Sun Protection Surrender & Retention of Property and Searches Visitors Legislation and Administration Length of School Year Privacy Student Attendance
Reporting to Whānau / Parents / CaregiversWritten reports are issued twice a year, with 1 set face-face meeting. If you wish to discuss your child's progress at any other time, please contact the class teacher to arrange a suitable time.
Whānau / Parent / Caregiver HelpThe school is always in need of whānau/ parent / caregiver help for trips and making equipment. Whānau/ parents / caregivers are encouraged to indicate, near the beginning of the year, how they can assist the school. Such assistance may include sewing of cushions/curtains, technology advisors, coaching sports teams, reading to small groups of children, dance and singing support, helping with fundraising. This help may be on a regular basis or on one-off special occasions. Any help is very much appreciated.
Support AgenciesThe school liaises with support personnel from other agencies in order to cater to the needs of all our students. Examples of available support: Hearing & vision technicians Resource Teachers of Behaviour & Learning Counsellors Group Special Education workers
Payment OptionsWe've set up myKindo online school shop to make it easy for families to pay for school costs. This is our preferred payment method for school expenses. Simply set up an account using the same caregiver email address held by Clyde Quay School. To register with myKindo, click here To shop with myKindo, click here Alternatively payments can be made direct to our bank account with ASB Willis Street. The number is 12 3141 0350817 00. Please include your child’s name in the reference details. Eftpos facilities are available in the office.
Hearing and VisionAll New Entrants will have their hearing and vision tested within 6 months of starting at school and rechecked at Year 7.
After School CareTechnicolour Kids After School Programme runs from 3.00-5.30pm every school day out of the Ngaio classroom. For any enquiries, please email Programme Manager Justine Fletcher at
AbsencesIf you expect your child to be late or away, please log their absence via the Skool Loop App or alternatively, leave a message on the school absence line. This prevents office staff from following up absences with a phone call.
LunchesChildren need healthy lunches every day. This can include sandwiches, fresh and dried fruit, raw vegetables and crackers. Please avoid sugar and canned soft drinks. We do not permit chocolate, lollies or chewing gum at school. Occasionally special lunches will be available, such as sausage sizzles. These will be advertised in the Wednesday newsletter.
Special NeedsEvery child at our school has a special need and some children have more than others. This may be because they are very able and need extending in their learning or conversely have a specific learning difficulty and need accelerating. Others have behaviour, health or language challenges. At times, it requires considerable effort from staff however it is also what makes life so rich and rewarding for us at Clyde Quay School. An innovation at the school is the variety of opportunities we explore to meet the needs of our children. These include: 1:1 reading recovery, small group tuition, programmes for children with special abilities, kapa haka, and language tutors (finance permitting). Teachers meet regularly to discuss the special needs of children and to put in place appropriate strategies. It is here that we also devise interventions for behaviour modification.
ConcernsWhen you have concerns or worries about any aspect of your child’s development or time at Clyde Quay School, please discuss them with the staff member who you consider most appropriate for the occasion. We will assure you of confidentiality and that you will be listened to most seriously. If your concerns still continue, feel free to discuss them with the principal who will liaise between you and staff if necessary. To contact the Board of Trustees for any concerns please email them here
Behaviour at SchoolThe approach to student behaviour, policy and practice, are based on the following: + Acknowledging and highlighting positive behaviour; + Everyone’s right to an harmonious environment. + Fair and consistent approaches when modifying or dealing with inappropriate behaviour; + Understanding, that those children who never offend should not suffer because of those who do offend; + No-one has the right to take up an unfair amount of teacher time. Through consultation with children, whānau/parents/caregivers and staff, we have also agreed that certain forms of behaviour are totally inappropriate at our school. These include: + Physical violence with intent + Verbal abuse + Sexual harassment + Vandalism + Racism + Teasing + Bullying We endeavour to implement appropriate and consistent consequences for misbehaviour. We favour discussion and counselling, making the consequence match the behaviour where appropriate, such as isolation / time out until the child is ready to interact positively with others again and working with whānau / parents / caregivers. Stand-downs from school are an undesirable and final consequence only and, thank goodness, rarely needs to be used at Clyde Quay School. We concentrate on the positive!
Dental ClinicA mobile dental clinic visits the school once a year. The dental therapists will examine all children who are enrolled on their register. Children who are identified at their examination as needing further treatment, such as a preventative coating or filling, will require this treatment at a dental hub located at Selby House, 175 Adelaide Road, Newtown. Parents/caregivers will need to ring 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) to arrange a suitable time and attend this appointment with their child.
Voluntary DonationsThe government funds schools for teacher salaries and general operations. However, we find that we have to raise money to supplement the purchase of resources to further enhance our classroom programmes. We appreciate the support whānau/parents provide through voluntary donations. It means children have access to a wider range of resources and facilities as a result of the school community’s efforts. We raise this money through: family voluntary donations and fundraising activities. In past years, funds raised have helped with the upgrade of the school library, enhancing the school environment, financing teacher aides in classrooms, supporting the cost of computers, the internet, digital cameras, and much more. Currently, the amount requested for family donations is: $350 per child, with a maximum of $700 per family. These may be paid as a lump sum or in instalments. Payments can be made through myKindo (the online school shop), directly to the school’s bank account or by eftpos, cash or cheque at the school office.
Enrolling ChildrenFor information on enrolment see our Enrolment Page.
AssembliesAssemblies occur every second Friday throughout the year, and are lead by a different whānau each time. This gives all of the children a chance to speak or share with the school and community. Assemblies are held in the hall and start at 9:15am. The best place to be informed about dates and who is in charge is the school newsletter.
Road PatrolYear 6, 7 and 8 children can volunteer for road patrol. They assist children across the very busy Elizabeth Street crossing before and after school.
School BoardSchools and kura in New Zealand are self-managing and governed by the School Board, who include elected members from their local community. The CQS Board governs the school and is tasked with ensuring that everything that needs to be done, gets done - in the best interests of its students, whilst meeting legal and ethical obligations. Liz Patara as our school principal, is the ‘chief executive’ who manages the school and kura in line with the Board’s direction and policies. Our Board is made up of trustees elected from the community, as well as appointed members to represent staff. The membership of the CQS Board includes the following appointed members: Liz Patara (Principal) Cameron Ross (Staff Representative) In addition our Board has the following elected members from our community: Michelle Little (Chair) Sarah Todd Nick Dravitzki Sue Bibby Rona Lemalu Andrew Neal Chris Myatt If you would like to find out more or get involved, then please also check out the information available from the Ministry of Education on this Website.
ParkingWe have very limited parking space here at school. The teachers, kindergarten staff, caretaker, secretary and teacher aides take up every available space! We would ask you please to park your cars outside on the street when visiting school or dropping off/picking up children. We also ask you to avoid double parking as we worry about the safety of children. Thanks for your co-operation in this. Year 6, 7 and 8 children also perform very valuable road patrol duties. They assist children across the very busy Elizabeth Street crossing before and after school.
LanguagesTe Reo The school has a commitment to the teaching of Māori language. Staff undertakes professional development at different times in order to facilitate the te reo Māori programme. French Our Year 7 students attend French lessons once a week throughout the school year. Mandarin Our Year 8 students attend Mandarin lessons once a week throughout the year.
SwimmingClyde Quay School has a regular swimming programme for all Year 1 – Year 8 children during February and March. This takes place at the Kilbirnie Aquatic Centre or The Aquadome. All children are expected to take part in swimming lessons. They are an important part of the school curriculum and the school subsidises part of the cost.
LibraryWe have done extensive work in upgrading our School Library so that it contains not only an wide selection of literature and research material, but also computers and software which allow children to extend their research and communication skills in an up-to-date way. Our library is fully automated. All children have one library period per week and they can usually use the library during lunch times. Children are urged to borrow and return a variety of books on a regular basis. We are very proud of our library and are continually upgrading its environment so that it is exciting, colourful and stimulating for children.
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