Clyde Quay School
Clyde Quay School has a thriving community involved in running numerous events throughout the year
to raise funds for the school.

Whānau and Friends
CQS Whānau and Friends Inc. (WAF) was established in 2013 and incorporated in 2024.
It is a Registered Charitable Trust with an authorised purpose:
Advancing education by supporting the learning and environment of students and staff at Clyde Quay School.
Benefiting the community by supporting, fostering and advancing Clyde Quay School as part of the wider community.

Phernne Tancock (Chair)
Michelle Little (Treasurer)
Sarah Todd (Secretary)
Emily McDonald
Lauren Wong
Dee Johnston
Maggie Lynch
Jane O’Loughlin
Sam Halikias
Leah Tzitziras
Iona Pannett
Cameron Ross (Staff Rep).
Board of Clyde Quay School (corporate member)
The WAF coordinates the fundraising efforts of the school that are crucial. New whānau members are alway welcome!
If you are interested in finding out more please see Catherine or Debra at the office, or contact any of the current Whānau and Friends members.

New World Wellington City School Sponsorship
This is a very, very easy way for all Clyde Quay families to fundraise money for the school and all you have to do is shop at Wellington City New World.
Have your docket stamped at the time of purchase by a Checkout Supervisor and deposit your docket in the Clyde Quay School drop box provided in the main entrance of New World. (Duplicate receipts can be requested, at time of purchase, if the original is required).
Every time you purchase products from New World Wellington City, they will pay the school 1.5% pa of the total $ sales value.
So get shopping and support this great fundraiser and drop those dockets into the box provided. Every bit helps the school. Sponsorship will be paid at the end of each School term.

Yummy Fruit Stickers
Remember to still collect the cut-out labels from bags of Yummy apples or individual Yummy apple stickers, available from New World, Pak’n Save and participating Four Square stores. Every participating school gets FREE champs sports gear.
The more you collect, the more sports gear the school will get, so get going and start collecting your yummy cut-out labels and stickers now!
See Catherine in the office to get a copy of the collection sheet or download from